Last Chance for Gasoline by Michael Lundgren in Phoenix, Arizona

Last chance for gasoline.

Name:Michael Lundgren

Place you live? Phoenix, Arizona

Place your photo was taken? On the edge of the metropolis.

Can you sum up the place you live in a short paragraph? Phoenix is a sprawling city in the Sonoran desert, 5 hours from the Sea of Cortez in Mexico, 6 hours from the Pacific coast, 2 hours to the beginning of the Colorado Plateau and less than 1 hour in all directions to solitude, dark skies and dirt. We have two seasons here–hot and not hot. I used to call Phoenix a suburb with crime. Perhaps it still is, but the downtown corridor is transforming, mostly due to the presence of artists.

Occupation? Photographer, Teacher

Preoccupation? Fishing

What is a perfect day in Phoenix? Pack up the truck, ice up the cooler, head out to the desert.

If someone was visiting, what must they do? Eat some Mexican food.. Pack up the truck, ice up the cooler, head out to the desert.

A perfect meal in Phoenix? Just about any Mexican restaurant that has no waiters. 2 Carne Asada tacos, rice, beans, bottle of Pacifico.

What is the best thing about your spot? Proximity.

What is the worst? Asphalt and Strip Malls.

A little known fact about where you live? When I planted 2 new trees in my front yard, I dug up some very old pottery sherds, probably from the Hohokam culture. This place has been occupied for a very long time.

Where is your favorite place in the world? 70+ miles SW of Phoenix
