Richard Renaldi’s Manhattan Sunday by Richard Renaldi in West 14th Street, New York, NY

I’ve been photographing NYC on Sunday mornings, in particular nightclubbers and bar crawlers heading home amongst the first light of the day.

Name:Richard Renaldi



At the moment listening to Eva Cassidy

Tell us about the place you live:

I live on a quiet and noisy street. It’s quiet because it is out of the way and there is very little traffic. It’s noisy because there is a never-ending amount of construction happening at any given time in a one block radius from my bedroom window.

A perfect day?

A nice walk accompanied by a good meal.

What is the best thing about your spot?

The cobblestones dating back to the 18th century.

What is the worst?

The condoms that the hustlers and prostitutes leave outside in the private garden area.

What would be surprising about this place to an outsider?

It doesn’t look like NYC

If your city was a person or character who would it be?



Name:Richard Renaldi

City:New York

Favorite place to eat:

This varies. I’ll say Mary’s Fish Camp because fish is delicious and the people that work there are nice.

Favorite place to drink:

Orient Express

Favorite shop:

Consumerism is gross

Local Tip:

Walk along the perimeter of NYC. It’s beautiful and feels much more open than when you are inside of it.

Must Do:

The Panorama of New York City at the Queens Museum.