Four Seasons of Adventure by Gregg Boydston in Mammoth Lakes, California

Thinking of visiting Mammoth Lakes, California?  Local Gregg Boydston has some good ideas for the traveler and offers a glimpse of the beauty to expect through his photographs.  Check out his vibrant landscapes and be sure to follow him on Instagram here: @greggboydston

Name:Gregg Boydston

Place you live: Mammoth Lakes, CA

Occupation: United States Forest Service Hotshot Firefighter

Place your Instagrams were taken? Mammoth Lakes, CA

Can you sum up Mammoth Lakes? Come for the winters, stay for the summers.

What is a perfect day in Mammoth? That depends on what your hobby is since the seasons are so drastic. Me personally, I spend more time with the summer hobbies. So a mid-70º sunny day hiking to an alpine lake with some lunch and a few cold ones sounds pretty good to me.

Do you shoot with your phone or other cameras or both? I shoot with a Nikon DSLR, iPhone, and GoPro.

What is your editing process? Most of the time my DSLR stuff goes into Lightroom for an edit and put into my Dropbox for later use.

Can you give a couple tips to aspiring Instagram photographers? Be active.

Who are your three favorite photographers? Andy Best, Dylan Furst, Drew Martin

What is the most amazing travel experience you’ve ever had?  A road trip through the desert parks that ended up with a backpacking trip in the Grand Canyon. I honestly haven’t had many opportunities for any major travel.

Want more Instagram tips and inspiration? Check out all of our Best of Instagram features and learn from the masters.

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Name:Gregg Boydston

City:Mammoth Lakes

Best place to eat:

What’s your flavor? I like a good happy hour, which would be the best in town at Slocums.

Best place to drink:

2$ PBR’s sound good? Slocums happy hour. Or one of the local breweries.

Best outdoor activity:

Do you like hot springs?

Must do (for the traveler):

Don’t just visit during one of the seasons. The activities change throughout the year.

Local tip:

There is no open container law in town.