New Plantation by Marija Mandić in Novi Sad, Serbia

Sad, little, boring, pretty, interesting, shiny, good people, bad people, boring people, crazy people, no people, big events, there is nothing, there’s everything, interesting to grow up in, beautiful and ugly, he choked me but I love him.

Name:Marija Mandić

Place you live: Novi Sad, Serbia

Place your photo was taken: Novi Sad, Serbia

Occupation: I am a student at the Art Academy in Novi Sad

Preoccupation: Photography

A perfect day in? A perfect day is when I wake up and leave my apartment with no plan and leave the city.

A perfect meal? My Grandmother’s soup, pizza at Caribic’s, sandwiches at Lidia’s and my mother’s Sunday lunch.

A little known fact? Albert Einstein used to live in Novi Sad with his wife Mileva Marić.
