Sun by Maria Louceiro in Porto, Portugal

This photo was taken in Rotunda da Boavista in Porto. There is a garden with benches and a huge column in the middle of the square called Monumento aos Heróis da Guerra Peninsular and it commemorates the victory of the Portuguese against the French troops during the Peninsular War.

Name:Maria Louceiro




Tell us about Porto:

A ghostly, gray place on the outside, but very warm and sunny on the inside.

A perfect day?

Going to Jardins do Palácio de Cristal, a lovely garden where you can see the sunset in all its glory.

What is the best thing about Porto?

It’s unique.

What is the worst?

You always end up eating too much in most of Porto’s restaurants.

What would be surprising about Porto to an outsider?

The people.

If Porto was a person or character who would it be?

A cute old lady who is grumpy very often.

Who are three of your favorite artists?

Yamamoto MasaoSaul BassJohn Maeda


Name:Maria Louceiro


Favorite place to eat:

I can’t name a favorite.

Favorite place to drink:

Vitória Cafe

Favorite shop:

Grocery stores.

Local Tip:

Walk or bike or use public transportation.

Must Do:

I would say just wander around the city and ask people for what to do nearby. People are extremely nice and helpful to visitors.