MUTE by Cedric Dubus in France

Lille is a small tourist town located at the crossroads of Europe. Brussels and Paris are just a few hours away. This part of northern France is very flat. The light is gray, but very sweet if you know how to use it. There is nothing extraordinary here. You need to look, to open your eyes wide and mind to see what I call the “quietly spectacular.” This is what I want to photograph in my series MUTE.

Name:Cedric Dubus

Freelance photographer, curator for Cascade Collective

Tell us about the place you live:

Lille is a pleasant town. It often rains. Sometimes I hate this town but when I leave it I am always happy to return. This is where I live. That’s all.

A perfect day in Lille?

After the rain, when the sky discharges all its impurities, the light becomes sweet and white. I take the car and wander around. Take some pictures. Alone with myself.

What is the best thing about Lille?

People are cool. Because we don’t have the sun in the sky, the people here have the sun in their hearts. And then of course there’s the beer.

What is the worst?

The weather. It often rains; the sky is gray and very low. It weighs on your mood.

What would be surprising about Lille to an outsider?

All that can be seen while walking, without getting in the car.

Who are three of your favorite artists?

Alec Soth, Joel & Ethan Coen, Thom Yorke


Name:Cedric Dubus


Favorite place to eat:

Chez Meert

Favorite place to drink:

Peek A Boo

Must Do:

Wander in Old Lille